Welcome Message
Our Club meetings are open to all Democrats and we invite you to attend and lend us your views on the issues affecting our community.
Mission Statement
The Democratic Club of Moreno Valley, under charter from the Riverside County Democratic Central Committee, is committed to preserving and fostering the Democratic Party’s principles and it’s spirit of dedication in support of the rights, liberties and dreams of all citizens of American society, with equality and without exclusion, through education, voter registration and personal participation in the political process in all local, state and national political campaigns and elections for public office and political initiatives and referenda.
Our Values
We stand for human rights and social justice. We believe in equal opportunity without the exclusion of any citizen or resident. We are committed to the rule of law and public election of governmental officeholders by Democratic process. We believe that the voting franchise gives us the power to effectuate change and ensure the human rights and social justice will not become subverted by an unjust government as the founding fathers of the Republic had envisioned. We encourage action and the fair sharing of responsibility for the improvements of our community and society as an integrated whole.
You can view the CA Democratic Party Code of Conduct here:
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