CDP Bylaws provide that Assembly District Election Meetings (ADEMS) be held in January 2021 to elect 7 “self-identified female” and 7 “other than self-identified female” to be Assembly District Delegates (ADDs) to represent our Assembly District, Number 61. These elections are open to any registered Democrat in AD61.
Assembly District Delegates (ADD) and the Democratic State Central Committee (DSCC) are responsible for planning and attending informational meetings throughout the region and working with other DSCC delegates throughout California to represent their community.
AD61 Delegates are elected by registered Democrats in our Assembly District.
To register to vote in this election visit:
This election will be vote-by-mail. Deadline to register to vote is January 11, 2021.
To become a candidate and run for office as an ADD visit: A.)
A.) There is a $30 candidate fee.
B.) If you wish to run for the EBoard position you must indicate on your application to run.
C.) If payment is to be made with a credit card of a corporation or FPPC State Committee, or if you will be reimbursed by your employer or a FPPC State Committee, please do not fill out the payment processing page after registering. Email
For more information visit:
Posted by Keri ‘forMoVal”